As well as storing data within the Contacts section, the platform will also store all submissions received.
To view submissions, navigate to the Forms section, locate the form and select Submissions from the actions dropdown.
The submissions page displays high level statistics in the header.
Explanation of Terms:
Number of Submissions is the total number of time the form was successfully submitted.
Form Impressions is the total number of times that the form was displayed to a user. This is essentially equal to the number of times that the page was viewed which, contained the form. To calculate the conversion rate of the form: Number of Submissions / Form Impressions.
The Total Number of Contacts references the number of unique individuals that have completed this form and been added to your database. If a contact submitted the form twice, the "Total Number of Contacts" will display 1.
The page displays a submission timeline showing you the number of form submissions received since the creation of the form. The graph will show a trend allowing you to quickly highlight popular days for submissions.
A table is displayed containing a list of all submissions received. Multiple submissions by the same contact are also displayed.
Clicking the View button allows you to view all form fields and the values entered by the user. As well, additional data relating to the Submission Date, Browser and Operating System are also displayed. Clicking the View Contact button navigates you to the Contact Profile Page of this user.
Submissions can also be searched by keyword by clicking on the Search icon
You can also export submissions by clicking on the Export icon