Contacts can be updated in bulk directly via the Contacts section.
This can allow for performing actions such as:
- Assigning new tags
- Updating the email & sms subscription preferences
- Editing the values of contact fields
- Mass delete records
To perform a bulk operation, navigate to the Contacts section and perform a search to locate the contacts you wish to edit.
When selecting one or more records from the search results (or by using the Select All option), you will be presented with three buttons to allow you to perform operations on the selected contacts:
Deleting Records
After selecting the records to be deleted, click on the "Delete" button and confirm.
Depending on the number of records to be removed, this operation can take up to 30 seconds to complete.
Bulk Tagging Records
To apply one or more tags to the selected records, click the "Tag" button.
You can now select one or more tags to apply to contacts. If you wish to create a brand new tag, simply type in the new tag and it will be created.
Contacts with existing tags will remain in those tags. This process will append the new tags and not remove any previous tags.
The "Update" button allows you to set the values of contact fields for the selected contacts. You may update multiple contact fields within the same operation.

Heads Up - Core contact fields (eg: Name, Email Phone, Date Of Birth) cannot be edited in bulk.
Upon clicking the Update button, you will be presented with a Bulk Update Records to allow you to specify your changes.
Select a contact field from the "column" dropdown and set the associated value.
If you wish to perform multiple updates, click on "Update Another Column" to add an additional field for update.

It is important to note that all bulk operations will update the contact's "Last Updated" value. This will also execute any automations using the "Contact Updated" trigger.
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